Wednesday, April 7, 2010

America and Russia Become Frenemies!!!

~ok! Not alot of people know about this "Cold War". In all honesty, I had no clue about it either until we began to study it in history class. Although this may sound like the usually boring topic that is studied in a history class, it's really not....I promise! The most relative way to describe the Cold War is "from friends to frenemies". If you don't know ( you're probably over the age of 35...just kidding) a frenemy is a friend (supposedly!...sometimes you have to be careful who you label as your friend) that always seems to want to compete with you. Have you ever a frenemy? If you actually answered the question before this sentence with a yes, then you pretty much understand the whole concept of the Cold War. Russia and America, once allies in WWII, now enemies for life. They competed in governmental views (communism and democracy), space affairs (i.e. Sputnik), warfare and pretty much anything else you can come up with! The Cold War has still left it's residue even in the 21st century.~


  1. Ravyn I love your blog!!! Your blog is fun to read and has personality, unlike out of a text book. You still included historical events of the cold war, like Sputnik. Good job!!!

  2. I like how you got the facts in but still made it fun! :) good comparisons! :)

  3. I actually liked reading your blog! Awesome facts, and not boring at all!:)

  4. i loved reading this! it was interesting and not even close to boring.:)) it captured me and i just wanted to read more and more about history!! great job! :))

  5. I really liked reading your blog! i like how you wrote it as if you were actually talking to someone :)

  6. Ravyn, your blog is amazing!!! It's so much fun to read and you put a lot of personality into the facts! It's teaching me something and entertaining me :)
