Sunday, May 16, 2010

Communism vs. Capitalism!..& the winner is...

After all of this bickering and arguing, you decide to just start cracking heads. You two get tired of this back-and-forth and just decide to duke it out. The winner of the fight has title rights and gets left alone. This is much like the Cold War. America and Russia had been enemies for too long and decided to end it. Somebody had to win this fight. Eventually the Soviet military power collapsed and left the title right to America. Finally, this on going fued was over, and communism could take a nap! (I guess it took a nap). Capitalism could finally take its stance as the champion!

Rising the lab?

Ok. So, obviously the regular old weapons that American soldiers were using in battles, weren't doing enough damage. So, scientists started brainstorming ways to do the most damage, with the least amount of effort. The only solution to that problem would be....nuclear weapons. Nuclear weapons consisted of bombs based on atomic fission and fusion. The hydrogen bomb, H-bomb, is perhaps to most famous. On May 20 (21 Pacific Time), 1956, this bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan. And from this day on, America was known as the country to beat. Which, of course may have triggered some of the other countries' egos.

Rising Tensions.....on the islands?

Nuclear war, the most dangerous type of war there is. Millions and millions of people die just with the use of one weapon. This is what America and Russia had come to deal with. To be or not to be? That is the question. ( I thought i'd borrow from Shakespeare for a second). But Russia held nuclear missles in Cuba and were ready to fire at anytime, just say the word. American soldiers were just as prepared. This was known as the Cuban Missle Crisis. President Kenndey had to a huge problem on his hands. Should he choose to converse with Kruschev, leader of Russia, on peace agreements, or choose to potentially blow a hole in the planet!!!!( ok, maybe it's really not that extreme, but if you've read my previous posts, you know that i LOVE adding a little drama to the scene). Kennedy being the moral man that he was, decided he wanted to avoid nuclear war at all costs!

Rising Tensions.....oversees?

You and your friend still hate each other. Yes!, i know it's been forever, and both of you should just wave your little white flags and call it a truce. I mean, goodness! I bet you don't even remember why this fued any started, do you? But no, you still choose to go head to head. But hey! That's none of my business. I'm just hear to talk about the Cold War.

But, you guys do remind me of the Korean War. America and Russia both wanted the same thing: influence over the government of Korea. Kind of how you don't want any of your friends to be friends with that person you're still fueding with. Russia wanted Korea to have a communist government, of course, while America didn't. So Korea split into North and South and began fighting amongst itself with the alliances of the two opposing countries.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rising the air?

Think about a situation in which you and a friend fell out. Although you no longer like this person, you still want to know all of their business and at least attempt to get some dirt on them, right? Come on now! If you said no to that question, you're probably lying or in denial! You know you might send a mutual friend to check on the ex-friend to see they're talking about you, just so you'll an advantage. Well, during the 60's years of the Cold War, America had a hate crush on Russia.... Oh yea! I got "hate crush" from the Tyra Show. Anyway, a hate crush is an interest, or in some cases, an obsession with someone you hate. America did just this with the U-2 incident. U-2 was a spy plane that was sent over Russian to take pictures of any potential missles or potential nuclear weapons. But unfortunately, Russia took this as an agressive act. You know the saying, "Don't kill the messenger"? Well, I'm going to guess that the Soviets didn't kno it, because that is exactly what they did. This plane was shot down! :-'(

Friday, May 7, 2010

Rising society?

Tensions continued rising between Russia and America even still. Since i can't think of anything else to compare it to and i already referenced a pimple, i guess have to be plain and educational ( unless i think of something later).
The atmosphere was filled with fear. The atmosphere was thick. Americans were so frightened of communism. There is a name for this immense fear, the "Red Scare". People were, in modern terms, spazzing out as if its a disease they could actually catch. But, this was one of the most evident results of the tension between Russia and America.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Rising Space?

The tension between America, or the USA, whichever you prefer to call it and the Soviet Union, or Russia (once again a country with too many names, so pick whichever one you wish to call it :-D) began to rise. Their ongoing competitive spirits clashed. This can be compared to a pimple. At first, it's sore, but you don't really do anything about it. Next, with the skin rises and forms a bump. Finally, it comes to a head....and all the nasty white stuffs just busts all over everything creating an atmosphere of YUCK!! ( maybe it's not that graphic, but I thought I should add a little drama to make it more realistic). Well, the "tension pimple" came to a head when Russia became the first country to successfully launch a satellite into space. They named it Sputnik (1951). America tried desperately to duplicate this, but of couse......failed!