Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Rising the air?

Think about a situation in which you and a friend fell out. Although you no longer like this person, you still want to know all of their business and at least attempt to get some dirt on them, right? Come on now! If you said no to that question, you're probably lying or in denial! You know you might send a mutual friend to check on the ex-friend to see they're talking about you, just so you'll an advantage. Well, during the 60's years of the Cold War, America had a hate crush on Russia.... Oh yea! I got "hate crush" from the Tyra Show. Anyway, a hate crush is an interest, or in some cases, an obsession with someone you hate. America did just this with the U-2 incident. U-2 was a spy plane that was sent over Russian to take pictures of any potential missles or potential nuclear weapons. But unfortunately, Russia took this as an agressive act. You know the saying, "Don't kill the messenger"? Well, I'm going to guess that the Soviets didn't kno it, because that is exactly what they did. This plane was shot down! :-'(

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