Sunday, May 16, 2010

Rising Tensions.....on the islands?

Nuclear war, the most dangerous type of war there is. Millions and millions of people die just with the use of one weapon. This is what America and Russia had come to deal with. To be or not to be? That is the question. ( I thought i'd borrow from Shakespeare for a second). But Russia held nuclear missles in Cuba and were ready to fire at anytime, just say the word. American soldiers were just as prepared. This was known as the Cuban Missle Crisis. President Kenndey had to a huge problem on his hands. Should he choose to converse with Kruschev, leader of Russia, on peace agreements, or choose to potentially blow a hole in the planet!!!!( ok, maybe it's really not that extreme, but if you've read my previous posts, you know that i LOVE adding a little drama to the scene). Kennedy being the moral man that he was, decided he wanted to avoid nuclear war at all costs!

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